Ordinary or Extraordinary? The littlest things aren't so little...

Today marks the beginning of Ordinary Time in the Church. When I became Catholic, I always thought that was such a plain name for the time in between Christmas and Lent, and from Easter to Advent…but it’s anything but ordinary, right?! During this time, the Church has many feast days, holy days, and beautifully EXTRA-ordinary days. In my life, I also think that time can feel ordinary after Christmas and Epiphany, but this morning, something hit me.

There is no such thing as truly ordinary time in daily life. All time is EXTRAORDINARY. We GET another day.

I say this with respect to our every day lives, not the church’s terminology.

In each of these ordinary days we get to make choices.

Will we go the ordinary way or the extraordinary way? Will we even go by another way and step out a bit?

I could ramble on about this one topic, but what I really want to write about here (in what seemingly may be ordinary) is how to find the extraordinary in the ordinary: in the little things.

This morning, I started listing little things that I adore having in my life that might be ordinary on the surface or to others (and that’s okay!), but to me, they feel extraordinary. They are great gifts in my life and certainly worth writing about and posting here.

So here we go on some ordinary things that are pretty extraordinary.

  • Our radiators. They whistle. The clink. They even bang sometimes, but they have become like friends. They have their unique identity in each room. Their steam warms us and for their heat and sounds, I’m so grateful. I mean, how does that burst of steam heat my home so well? #genius

  • My boys cheeks. As they grow older, they’re still pretty great about letting me hug them, even for a few seconds longer than they like, but that softness. Oh. Those. Cheeks. They are still as sweet as they were as little babies and remind me that each day is precious. Some days can feel long, but the years are short and their cheeks are the sweet reminder (and their smiles, their eyes, their laughs, their good and bad habits!, etc.).

  • My heated mattress topper. Need I say more? It’s EVERYTHING. In a 106 year-old home with drafts in the most unexpected of places (and that our bedroom is over our fantastic porch – aka, no insulation between the floor and porch), the heated mattress topper is pretty close to heaven on earth at bedtime. #serta #thankyou

  • My husband’s passion for doing dishes. Yes. You read that right. This man really does enjoy it, finds a rhythm in it and even empties the dishwasher – a lot. He also loves to do laundry. I am grateful for these traits, as he seems to swoop in and often help at times when my receptivity is really lacking and I need the help I’m clearly to proud to ask for (Ahem, that is a deadly sin I am all too proud to admit). #irony

  • The Minimalists. These two men are shaping and changing our home life and my perspective. I have been hanging onto things for years. Friends have helped me, but after multiple generations of what I fondly called “organized hoarders” in my family, I have to stop this historic cycle. I’m currently doing #theminimalistgame and I’ve removed BAGS of trash and over 200 items to charity. I’m telling you, just start with a drawer. This isn’t a spark/joy approach, but a simple – DO I REALLY NEED THIS – approach. By doing this, I pray our home will bring even more ease, less stress and anxiety, and invite more space for the light of Christ. #theminimalists Website

  • Coffee. This is self-explanatory. #ilovecoffee

  • 405 Days. That’s how many days I’ve been alcohol-free and it has been the best choice of my life. I used to think that not smoking was the best and hardest lifestyle change I would make, but being AF is the one. Last year, I was on a slippery slope after quarantine and knew that something had to change, so I decided to stop drinking. I started with one day, seven days, one month, 100 days, and then knew that based on looking back over my life, my choices and personality, and realizing that I am truly who I am supposed to be and HAPPIER without wine or any alcohol, sober living isn’t just for me, it is me. I am grateful for each day that I choose to say “YES!” to my health and power on with this lifelong choice. #iamsober #soberAF Get the App

  • Blessed Is She. This women’s ministry emails me daily and helps me to find the daily readings along with a devotional to get my day started. It’s been a routine for over two years and I cannot imagine my life without it to start my day. #blessedisshe Website

  • Moleskin journals. These have been my companion for years. With their hard covers, beautiful lines and sturdy pages, anything and everything goes there including my thoughts, prayers, and doodles. It comes in a rainbow of colors. They are no ordinary journal.

  • Amazon. Okay. Let’s be honest. Amazon isn’t the best choice at all times from an environmental or supporting small business standpoint. I admit that. However, it IS incredible when you forget something (like good snow boots for your son and it’s going to snow!) or you need more protein bars regularly at a better price. I also appreciate Amazon for their ability to work with smaller distributors to take advantage of a quick turn time. Anyway, there are lots of holes to shoot in this one, but let’s stick with the good and how extraordinary it is.

  • Adoration. I’d be remiss not to put this here. For my non-Catholic friends, this is when the church places the Blessed Sacrament – the true presence of Jesus Christ in the host – on display in a chapel or the church sanctuary for people to come and spend time with Him in prayer. These holy hours have become a centering space where I can lay it all down, surrender and be in the true presence of peace. This is available anywhere any time in most urban and suburban areas, and allows me time to slow down and truly spend extraordinary time with the Lord. It used to intimidate me. Now it is the centering time I need that’s in total quiet.

  • Dove chocolates. I know this may be a random ending and it’s not like I’m saving the best for last, but the way these little chocolates melt and the fact that there is a thoughtful quote from someone (do you think they’re real people?), makes them a special treat that is extraordinary on any day of the year. #dovechocolates #ilovechocolate

What are the ordinary things in others’ lives that are extraordinary in your own?

What are you grateful for that deserves a little extra gratitude and acknowledgement?

Comment below. I’d love to hear your “ordinary” things. Until next time, be well, God bless, and keep an eye out for the little things that mean a lot. +Betsy